The Press Conference for the Oktoberfest Calabria 2024 at the BV President Hotel

The BV President Hotel had the honor to host the press conference for the presentation of the fifth edition of Oktoberfest Calabria, an event that will be held in Rende from October 18th to November 3rd 2024.

The press conference, moderated by Andrea De Iacovo, It saw important names and members of the organization come on stage, who illustrated and gave small anticipations about the surprises of this new edition.  He was joined on stage by Enrico Cristiano, partner and spokesperson of WISEA Eventi who has revisited the history of the Oktoberfest Calabria, born in 2018 and then Giovanni Romeo, Regional Director of the FOOD BANK, who highlighted the importance of solidarity, explaining that part of the revenue from the sale of gadgets will be donated to his organization.

Marco Tiesi, artistic consultant and host of the event, revealed some of the artists who will animate the event, including Matthew Lee, the Celebrity Stars, The Mail Gang and Giorgio Prezioso.  As an institutional representative, Gianluca Gallo, Regional Councillor for Agriculture, also took an active part in the meeting.

It was also announced one of the most anticipated innovations of this edition that takes the name “BOOK BRINJA TRAVEL”: a contest that offers the chance to win prizes, The BV group is a company of its own.

The Oktoberfest Calabria 2024 promises to be an event, rich in entertainment, culture and solidarity initiatives.  BV Hotels & Resorts confirms its role as official sponsor of the event, consolidating its commitment to supporting major events in the region.